
HTML Basics

July 02, 2022


Yuri Kim


primary language of the web, contains content/structure of a website



primary method of marking up content using HTML

  • <opening tag>content</closing tag> --> element
  • some tags don't have any content AKA self-closing tags like <hr>


extra info provided to HTML elements

  • <tagname attribute="value">content</tagname>
  • some attributes are booleans
    • value for a boolean attribute will be treated as true
<input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled" />
<input type="checkbox" disabled="true" />
<input type="checkbox" disabled />

  This is still disabled, since the attribute is set.
  Of course we don't recommend this though as it is quite confusing to read.
<input type="checkbox" disabled="true" />

<!DOCTYPE html>

first line of HTML file to tell browser which html version to use



first tag in <html> tag that contains metadata about HTML document (anything not displayed on page)

  • <title> is the only required tag in <head> tag
    • title is used for the browser tab name and for search results in search engines


second tag in <html> tag, below <head> tag that contains content of webpage


Semantic HTML

clearly describes content of page

  • Uses semantic grouping tags, which give meaning to different sections of the page:
    • <article>: Self contained, independently distributable content
    • <section>: Thematic grouping of content, not self contained
    • <header>: Introductory content
    • <main>: Main content, limited to one per page
    • <nav>: A section of links, used for navigation of page
    • <aside>: Content indirectly related to main content
    • <footer>: Footer of document, contains copyright info

Essential HTML Tags

  • <p>
  • <h1>
  • <img>: a self-closing tag that includes two attributes:
    • src: path to the image (relative or absolute)
    • alt: alternative text used with screen readers or when image can't be displayed
  • <ul>, <ol>, <li>
  • <pre>: preformatted text tag that preserves whitespace, used for indentation and newlines
  • <br>: a self-closing line break tag used for the introduction of an email or new lines in poem
  • <hr>: a self-closing horizontal rule tag used to create a thematic break between content, a horizontal line by default
  • <a>: anchor tag for linking to other pages, includes an href attribute with the path to the page being linked (absolute or relative)
  • <em>: emphasis tag rendered as italics
  • <strong>: strong tag rendered as bold

Meta Tags

  • <meta>: provides extra metadata about a webpage
    • Most use a name-content pair for the type and value of metadata
<!-- Sets the character encoding to utf-8 -->
<meta charset="utf-8" />

<!-- Allows for custom responsive CSS, rather than the default scaling behavior of small devices -->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />

<!-- Sets the page author -->
<meta name="author" content="Yuri Kim" />

<!-- Sets the page description -->
<meta name="description" content="Ace the frontend interviews!" />
  • favicon: icon for a webpage tab name
<link rel="icon" href="favicon.png" />
  • <base>: sets document base URL, used for all relative links on the page
<!-- This line goes in the <head> -->
<base href="" />

<!-- This would go to -->
<a href="/frontend">FrontendExpert</a>



  • <table>: an HTML tag for representing data with rows and columns
  • <tr>: single row in table
  • <th>: heading in table. Used with the scope attribute of either row or col to choose what the content is a heading for
  • <td>: single piece of data in table (cell)
  • <thead>: grouping tag for heading of table, usually contains a single <tr> with column headings
  • <tbody>: grouping tag for body of table, contains primary rows of data
  • <tfoot>: grouping tag for footer of table
  • <caption>: caption for table
  <caption>AlgoExpert Products</caption>
      <th scope="col">Product</th>
      <th scope="col">Rating</th>
      <th scope="row">AlgoExpert</th>
      <th scope="row">SystemsExpert</th>


  • section of interactive inputs used for submitting info to server
  • contains a variety of label-input pairs and submit button
  <label for="username">Enter your name:</label>
  <input type="text" id="username" />

  <label for="email">Enter your email:</label>
  <input type="email" id="email" />


Document Object Model (DOM)

  • programming interface for interacting with an HTML document represented as a tree data structure
  • Each HTML element in the document is a node in the DOM tree, with nested content represented as children in the tree


  • utilizing semantic HTML and ensuring the application works properly with various assistive technologies
  • Accessibility Tree: a tree of the page focusing on information specific to accessibility. Each node in the tree contains information such as the role, state, name and description.
    • The accessibility tree is created from the DOM tree and kept in sync with it. Assistive technologies (screen readers) interact with the accessibility tree rather than the DOM
  • WAI-ARIA: The "Web Accessibility Initiative - Accessible Rich Internet Applications"
    • Specification for accessible HTML created by the WWW Consortium (W3C). This contains a set of HTML attributes that can be added to provide extra information to the accessibility tree
    • ARIA attributes are usually grouped into three main categories:
      • Roles: What the element is doing, used to define the purpose of the element. These can be broken down into a few main subgroups:
        • Landmark: Major content areas, navigational landmarks
        • Structure: Document structure information
        • Widget: Interactive elements
        • Window: Sub-windows in the browser
        • Live Region: Regions with dynamically changing content
      • Properties: Extra meaning and characteristics of the element, such as labels
      • States: Current state of the element, such as if it is disabled